Saturday, 17 December 2011

Bunkspeed's Hypershot The little annoyance with smoothing

SO I been looking at Bunkspeed's Hypershot which is quite cool and quick to use and render there is only a few things that I would change in the program which is to enable smoothing in the program which would be useful. As you can see I didn't smooth it enough. So what you would have to do is smooth the model in your 3D package before exporting it. As you can see around some of the areas it is a bit jagged.

SO now I have gone back and redid the smoothing in the 3D program I was using and exported it out as an OBJ.

Now you can see that the edges are nice, smooth and rounded and no longer jagged.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The Tattooed Girl

OK SO For the last few months when I have some down time I been fiddling with Corel Painter which is really cool and I must say a am quite enjoying using it. So in the process of learning the program I though why do a painting, So I Started painting a girl. and this is the end result I shell put post later on of how I started and how I got to my final piece. I will also explain how I did some of the things.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Beattle

Ah the VW Beetle! Hitler wanted a car that could travel across the desert with out water so he commissioned Mr Porsche to design him a car that could do it and so the Beetle was born. Hitler would never know how the beetle conquered the world and our hearts,I mean everyone knows someone who had one or owned one your self. This was a very simple model nothing too fancy or detailed just simple enough to recognize the shape and say "Ah a beetle cool". Or if you grew up with a big brother it would be something like red punch buggy and then whack you on the arm so that is dead for 10 mins.

V8 Engine Block

While cleaning my hard drive today I had found an old Maya file back when I was using Maya 7 it was my 1st "serious model" which was a Old school V8 engine SO I decided to render it out in a showme style render. Hope you like it.

Logo Done In Cinema 4D

SO I have been looking at Cinema 4D for a up and coming freelance job that requires some knowledge in the program so just to get the feel of it I have been messing about with vector imports from Illustrator, So why not use my logo to test it out. and this is what I got.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Nokia! What I like to call a Showme image.

OK A showme image is something that I use to show whats behind the image or render basically what was done to get that final image. I thought I would put up a post of a Wireframe, Occllution, and final render comp. I used only two renders for this project Don't get me wrong I would normally render using a few layers. So I rendered a final and a Occllution layer due to time constraints and it was only a image based project not a video based project so all the other render layers where not needed.

Monday, 24 October 2011


OK I have been quiet lately and have had nothing to show until now!! So I got an email from a recruiter. Nokia is looking for people. So as an entry exam/presentation of my skills I was given a task to promote the C 3-00 and here is what I came up with.
The Heroes The Batmobile makes an appearance!
The Lovers One of my 1st posts was a lounge at sunset well it appears in this one
The Graffiti Artist Yes yes I know its a fur ball with legs and arms.
The Green Screen Actor Chromatic green screen.
The Master Chef I will later put up a wire frame of the phone and a few other things.

Friday, 4 February 2011

The Velkyrie Rises Again

Thought I would peel back the pretty picture and show whats underneath